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sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

One Day Teacher institutes in September, October and November


One Day Teacher institutes in September, October and November

We hope you will come to one of our fall one day teacher institutes.
The Creating the United States Teacher Institutes will be offered on September 10, 11 and 13. The Institute will provide strategies on teaching the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights using Library of Congress primary sources. Participants will leave with strategies and materials they can use in their schools. The institute uses the Library's exhibition, “Creating the United States” as its foundation.
In addition there will be an open house on Thursday, September 9, 2010, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. which will highlight teaching resources on the constitution, opportunities for field trips to the Library and tours of the Library's Young Readers Center.
The Exploring the Early Americas Teacher Institutes will be offered October 30th and November 1st. This institute will help teachers learn strategies to teach about European Explorers in the Americas, the indigenous cultures of Mesoamerica (Maya, Inca, and Aztec) and the cartographic knowledge of the world in the sixteenth century. The institute uses the Library's exhibition, “Exploring the Early Americas” as its foundation.
For more information about these institutes contact the Library’s Interpretive Programs Office using the links provided below.
Exploring the Early Americas
Creating the United States and OPEN HOUSE SEPTEMBER 9TH

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