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terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010

Que tal uma aulinha de inglês?



Here are this week's English tips.

Remember that some words can be nouns in one situation and verbs in another situation.

Here are a few examples:

house (noun) - the place where I live (casa).

house (verb) - to receive a person in your house for a while (hospedar).

hand (noun) - part of the body (mão)

hand (verb) - to put something in my hand (alcançar)

book (noun) - what  I can read and study (livro)

book (verb) - to make a reservation (reservar)

google (noun) - a search tool (google)

google (verb) - to search in google (googlear)

shower (noun) - equipment where water comes out (chuveiro)

shower (verb) - to wash your body using this equipment (tomar um banho de chuveiro)

Have a great week!

Best regards,

Profª Sônia Assumpção - E3 - POA/RS - BRASIL

Fonte: [SN1] "Se não puder fazer Tudo, faça Tudo que puder"

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