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sexta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2010

Extended Period of Lower Solar Activity Linked to Changes in Sun's Conveyor Belt


Extended Period of Lower Solar Activity Linked to Changes in Sun's Conveyor Belt
Thu, 12 Aug 2010 15:26:00 -0500

Montage of images showing the solar cycle of the sun over a period of about 11 years.

A new analysis of the unusually long solar cycle that ended in 2008 suggests that one reason for the long cycle could be a stretching of the sun's conveyor belt, a current of plasma that circulates between the sun's equator and its poles.

The sun goes through cycles lasting approximately 11 years that include phases with increased magnetic activity, more sunspots, and more solar flares, and phases with less activity.

The level of activity on the sun can affect navigation and ...

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