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sexta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2010

UT Professor Uncovers Clues into How Viruses Jump from Hosts


UT Professor Uncovers Clues into How Viruses Jump from Hosts
Fri, 13 Aug 2010 11:17:00 -0500

bats HIV-AIDS. SARS. Ebola. Bird flu. Swine flu. Rabies. These are emerging infectious diseases where the viruses have jumped from one animal species into another and now infect humans. This is a phenomenon known as cross-species transmission, and scientists are working to determine what drives it. Gary McCracken, a professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is one of these scientists and has made a groundbreaking discovery into how viruses jump from host to host.

Full story at
University of Tennessee at Knoxville

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